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Welcome to Arey

Arey is a command line playground app for local large language models. It supports all the models supported by Llama.cpp and Ollama.


We recommend using pipx to install the app in an isolated python virtual environment.

# Install pipx if needed: `pip install pipx`
# Ensure ~/.local/bin is available in system PATH
pipx install arey

You can upgrade to latest version of the app using pipx upgrade arey.


  • arey chat - Start a chat session with local AI model.
  • arey ask [query] - Ask the AI model to help with [query].
  • arey play - Create a playground file, edit the file and generate AI response.
  • arey --help - Print help message and exit.


On the first run, arey will create a configuration file in following location:

  • ~/.config/arey/arey.yml for Linux or Mac systems.
  • ~/.arey/arey.yml for Windows.

Please update the models section in the config yml to your local model path.

Get the model

For this quick start guide, let's download the Tiny Dolphin model locally.

$ mkdir ~/models
$ cd ~/models

# If wget is not available on your platform, open the below link
# in your browser and save it to ~/models.
# Size of this model: ~668MB
$ wget

# ...
$ ls
Where to find models?

You can find Llama.cpp compatible models by searching for gguf in has a good collection of models you can use locally.

We recommend the Q4_K_M or Q5_K_M quantized models.

Update configuration

Let's add an entry for this model in arey's config file.

# Example configuration for arey app
# Looked up from XDG_CONFIG_DIR (~/.config/arey/arey.yml) on Linux or
# ~/.arey on Windows.

    path: ~/models/tinydolphin-2.8-1.1b.Q4_K_M.gguf
    type: llama
    template: chatml
    name: tinydolphin:latest # name of the model, see http://localhost:11434/api/tags
    type: ollama
    template: chatml

  # See
    # factual responses and straightforward assistant answers
    temperature: 0.7
    repeat_penalty: 1.176
    top_k: 40
    top_p: 0.1
    # chatting, storywriting, and interesting assistant answers
    temperature: 0.72
    repeat_penalty: 1.1
    top_k: 0
    top_p: 0.73
    # varied storywriting (on 30B/65B) and unconventional chatting
    temperature: 1.99
    repeat_penalty: 1.15
    top_k: 30
    top_p: 0.18

  model: tinydolphin
  profile: precise
  model: tinydolphin
  profile: precise

Noteworthy changes to the configuration file:

  1. Line 11-14: we added a new model definition with the path of the downloaded model.
  2. Line 38: we instruct arey to use tinydolphin model for chat.
  3. Line 41: arey will use tinydolphin for the queries in ask command.

Chatting with the model

Let's run arey chat to start a chat session. See below for an illustration.

 arey chat
Welcome to arey chat!
Type 'q' to exit.

 Model loaded. 0.13s.

How can I help you today?
> Who are you?

I am an artificial intelligence model that has been programmed to simulate human behavior, emotions, and responses based on data gathered from various sources. My primary goal is to provide
assistance in various areas of life, including communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and learning.

 Completed. 0.49s to first token. 2.10s total. 75.58 tokens/s. 159 tokens. 64 prompt tokens.

chat command will simulate a conversation with the configured AI model. In every turn, it will send all messages between you and the AI model as context and ask the AI model to generate a suitable response.

Ask anything

arey ask command provides a quick way to run any query on the terminal. Compared to the chat command, ask will not use any session or conversation history.

 arey ask "Who are you?"

Welcome to arey ask!

 Model loaded. 0.13s.

I am an artificial intelligence model that has been programmed to interact with humans through text-based conversations. My primary goal is to provide assistance, support, or information as
requested, but my responses can vary based on the context of the conversation.

 Completed. 0.52s to first token. 1.97s total. 72.62 tokens/s. 143 tokens. 67 prompt tokens.


arey play allows you to fine-tune a prompt. It uses a simple markdown file to represent completion settings and the prompt. On every save, arey will try to generate a response for the prompt.

In the below screenshot, we have two terminals. arey play is running the top terminal, it created a play file and continues to monitor it for any changes. In the bottom terminal, we edit the file and upon save we can see the generated response in top terminal.

Arey playground screenshot

Next steps

See the detailed guides for Llama.cpp and Ollama.